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Let me ask you some questions…

  • When you open your wardrobe doors are you confronted with too many clothes stuffed into the space but still can’t find anything to wear? Clothes that don’t fit, don’t suit you, feel uncomfortable or that have seen better days?
  • Worse still, when you come to declutter your clothes, do you struggle with letting go and getting rid of pieces because you feel guilty, wasteful or want to keep things, just in case you might need them some day?
  • Are you frustrated that you keep clothes you don’t wear, waste money buying clothes that you don’t need and that it takes too long to decide what to wear (and feel good in what you’re wearing)?

In my experience, a simple closet is the gateway to a simple life. Once you experience the benefits of simplicity in your wardrobe, you’ll want it everywhere.

Courtney Carver


Simplify Your Wardrobe will help you tackle all these problems. It’s a step-by-step approach to decluttering your clothes, identifying your signature style, what clothes you need to fit your current lifestyle and how to build a capsule wardrobe that makes you feel great each day – with fun, ease and no hassle!

You and your body deserve to feel the best they can be and that includes having clothes that you love to wear and feel good in. But this doesn’t require time, effort or a big budget.

The solution is creating a capsule wardrobe of clothes that really work for you and your life.

This workbook will walk you through the exact process of creating your own capsule wardrobe to help you love your body and love your clothes!


  • Instant download 26-page PDF
  • Introduction and how to use the workbook
  • Review how you feel about your current wardrobe and how you’d like to feel instead
  • Declutter your wardrobe following step-by-step instructions
  • Common wardrobe problems and how they might apply to you
  • Practical, simple solutions to these problems
  • How to assess your clothes and how this will help build your ‘ideal’ capsule wardrobe
  • How do you spend your time and what your clothes need to do for you
  • How to put together outfits simply and easily
  • Assess how well your current wardrobe suits your needs
  • How to create a shopping or wish list to guide wise purchases
  • Tips for making the most of your clothing and wardrobe organisation options
  • Defining and creating your own signature style
  • When you are restricted with time or money
  • A handy checklist and questions for decluttering clothes
  • Clothes shopping list template

Let’s Simplify Your Wardrobe, help you love your clothes and feel great every day!


  • Designed minimally for easy printing
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  • This is a digital download so unfortunately refunds are not available
  • Payments taken through Teachable and this is what will show up on your bank statement
  • Any applicable taxes for your state/country will be included at checkout
  • For personal use only
  • Got a question or want more information, no problem! Email me at [email protected] and I’ll help you out!